The most things that men have found attractive 50 years ago

It doesn't look like fifty years all this long, but if we take a look back, we will be totally shocked by the fluctuations and transformed our history, culture, science and fashion for a few decades. Beauty standards change all the time and the last 50 years have been so amazing in the way our awareness of beauty has expanded, and it has become inclusive of all shapes, sizes and unique features. But what was it like 50 years ago, when most of the fashion styles we know and love today are emerging? It was the revolutionary time to introduce small skirts, tried to erase female curves from existence, and focused on wonderful long legs. What then? Here are the most amazing things that men have found attractive in 50 years.

Skinny characters

Although she may seem wild at present, not so long ago, graceful women have been neglected and seemingly childish characters have been at the heart of everyone's attention. We still see the influence of long-standing days on modern platforms - most models are long, long and not curved. This transformation took place somewhere in the 1960s, when Twiggy captured the beauty standard set by sensual Marilyn Monroe, who became a fashion star and role model for millions of girls around the world. From that moment on, models began to become thinner with each passing decade.

Skinny characters

Flat chest and gouache

The slender body direction of the railways made everyone focus on reducing hips and owls. The late 1960s was the time when everyone, men and women, changed their perception of a beautiful body. No one really took an interest in cellulite or overweight before the 1960s, but over time it became an obsession of most women. They did powerful exercises to get those extra inches from the hips and even use special rolling pins to get rid of cellulite. Massage also became very popular. Men, of course, appreciate all the extra attention women give to their bodies.

Flat chest and gouache


Androgyny may sound like a recent trend but it has been around for decades. Its popularity came in the form of waves when women explored their freedoms and tried different methods. After a relatively brief splash in the 1920s, androgenic in the 1960s returned with an arsenal of bold new designs and fascinating patterns that erased all boundaries between male and female fashion. We still enjoy all the unisex clothes that were born in that era. Needless to say, men liked the new liberal trend, as did women!

Long legs and small skirts

You can't really get one without the other and miniature skirts became most popular in the late sixties, more attention was paid to the shape and length of women legs. Certain styles of shoes appeared to emphasize (or visually enhance) the length of the legs. Things changed somewhat in the early 1970s when bilbotum costumes appeared, but the legs were still very exposed.

Long legs and small skirts


Now this is the kind of thing that will always be attractive. But 50 years ago, women practicing sport professionally was still a new concept and nobody took women's sports seriously, especially compared to male teams. However, it was impressive that the woman was sporty because she meant that she would remain slim, healthy and fit for a longer period of time.


long hair

There was something really liberating to let your hair fall out (quite literally) fifty years ago. Men and women alike enjoyed long hairstyles as a rebellion against old traditions and boring formalities. The woman wanted to look different from previous generations, and returning to flowing natural hair was the best thing to do. Of course, men found that the female hairstyle is incredibly attractive.



In the 1960s, everyone knew that smoking was harmful to your health, but it was not the kind of general knowledge we possess today. Smoking was still considered stylish, modern and very charming. Advertisements have always shown elegant and cute women who smoke cigarettes, which makes them a kind of societal standard. The guys considered this very attractive as well!



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