Fashion for young men and women: tradition or conviction?

Fashion, the one that made the Haram permissible, through which all traditions and traditions have been breached. You find the girl dressed in an obscene dress in the name of fashion, and others are tearing their clothes in order to be classified in the category of people of good taste, young men here and there, from them who put a hairstyle to revoke the disgust of others and the approval of some, and from the girls who wore pants of different colors. Various aspects and motives are multiple, different opinions of society.

I choose a dress that suits me

We found him next to his car, Zakaria, a twenty-year-old man, who puts a chain in his neck and hand, about fashion talking: "I do not follow fashion, but I am wearing comfort, the fact that what young people today are threatening to lose, and it is the woman in Moroccan society that keeps pace Fashion is more than men, and the reason for the wave of fashion followers is Western satellite channels, where we find a mixture of the traditions of countries embodied in the clothes and hairdos of our youth. As for men, few of them follow the fashion in dress, but there is a fashion that the real man does not bear, such as tight clothes and long hair.

As for Khadija, a student in the media, she follows fashion in some things but considers that this fashion should not be taken all of them. Khadija says: “If we follow the fashion path, we will go out naked to the street, but I choose from the dress what suits me, and I cannot wear naked clothes.”.

I despise men who look like women

As for Fatiha, who wears tight pants and an ordinary shirt, she expresses her opinion about the man following the fashion, as she considers it a deviation from common sense to the point that she looks at those who pant after fashion from men inferiorly and says: “I despise men who imitate women, for example, you find a young man He puts a "gel" for his hair, which is an ointment to soften the hair, and wears tight pants and a tight shirt, and these people, in my view, are missing the meanings of masculinity that manifests in roughness, and the nature of a man requires a decent dress.

Amal, whose hair is distinguished by the hairstyle "Al-Rasta", wears a tight dress, and she expresses her opinion saying: "The man who lengthens the hair and wears the tight dress, I consider him as a woman, and has no value in society as long as he is led towards a tradition that is not accepted by common sense."

I have the right to do what I want

Sumaya is one of the young women who follow the fashion path, she draws that from some magazines and satellite channels, and society does not care about her, she has a world of her own, Sumaya says: "I like the fashion world, I choose that from some of the magazines that my friend provides me, and I do not care about society and his opinion."

As for Kamal, who has long black hair, which suggests that he is coming from the jungle of Africa, wearing short trousers, he refused to talk, saying only: "I am a man and it is my right to do anything and I do not care for anyone, it is the woman who should not adhere to fashion."

As for Mr. Jamal, he responds to the spread of the "fashion" wave, saying: What is broadcast by satellite channels is totally different from our Arab and Islamic societies, whether for girls or young people, and education is the only bulwark to stave off the chaos of young people, whose idea has become devoid of the lofty values ​​that the true Sharia brought, Teachers and officials within educational institutions should pay attention to give the right direction to the youth, and take on the role of education that has become lost within the institutions. "

"Fashion" creates a consumer society

As for Professor Aisha Al-Yaqoubi, a researcher in psychology, she sees that: “fashion” is a cultural invasion through which the West tries to create a consumer model for the peoples of the world. Rather, these peoples themselves, and in front of their sense of deficiency and deficit towards Western economic development, intend to follow this “fashion” desire Including compensation and gratification.

Socialization plays a fundamental role in this matter, as we find that some families race to acquire all that is new in the market, not only from clothes, but also from brushes and utensils, and children acquire these behaviors, so they compete with their peers in obtaining admiration, in purchasing Products that bear the symbols of Western roles and companies. Fashion disease has even passed to the veil of women, and we now find shops flooded with veiled clothes that do not often meet the requirements of Islamic dress.

Following fashion creates a consumer society that drains its money, and demoralizes it, because decorations and new ones become its primary and only concern, so it can be absorbed and forgotten by the first goal for which man was created, which is worship and disagreement.


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