Is it safe to reopen states? Virus expert responds.

According to CNN news Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, discusses the announced phased reopening of US states amid the pandemic.

Just look at her title people, she works for the White House. Anyone working for the Trump White House cannot be trusted.

She’s being paid to evade questions. She knows that this is the wrong decision but she’s selling it because if she doesn’t her boss will fire her. This is all about money and that’s it.

The poor Dr. Birx is struggling to tell the truth and not offend or make the orange lying and evil baby Trump look bad. She can't do her work because of Trump.

Just watched PBS news was a doctor on the front lines is dealing with coronavirus while lacking PPE and trying to keep patients alive. She blasted CDC doctors for sitting on their ass! Running your mouth get out there! Same for Trump STFU and go work at a hospital pissant!

The small business people want it open. I must admit though I am loving this very few person out and off the road. It's been so much quieter, calmer and even cleaner.


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