Color and fashion coordination

Many are searching for distinctive ways to obtain color coordination for their clothes since fashion is not only about designing the shape of clothes, so the most beautiful designs can appear ugly if one fails to coordinate their colors, and many people believe that there are laws that must be followed when searching for color coordination But in reality, there is no rule, and the best way is to experiment and correct errors, and here are the most prominent information about color coordination.


The first step in coordinating colors is that every person should follow, search for the basic color wheel, and look at and memorize it, it can be said that monochrome clothing is one of the easiest clothes that can be coordinated and that for ease of dealing with it, as it does not exceed the matter Knowing the gradations of color, to wear them, and the blue color can be taken as an example, where dark blue pants can be worn, and coordinating one of the grades for the jacket or shirt, and from the degrees of dark blue and chambray.

 Complementary colors

These colors are consistent together, do not need a lot of experience, as the color that can match with the other can be easily identified, so any color can match the other color that corresponds to it in the color wheel, and this explains why the brown color matches the dark blue, Where wearing dark blue suits with brown shoes is very common.

 Side colors

Many may wish to add some colors to the outfit that he wears, without making mistakes during the coordination of colors, and this way needs to coordinate the colors to choose the colors adjacent to the primary color in the color wheel, urges that the color can be red and orange and then orange and yellow, and These colors can be added by neckties, and socks.

Breach of the rules

 There are many colors that can be coordinated together, and there are also many ways in which the colors can be compatible, and therefore it is encouraging to introduce one to the experience, and there is no harm in error and correction.


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